Developed by a Chinese Studies BA(Hons) degree holder and a mum of two. Catered for monolingual families who wish their babies, toddlers and preschoolers to learn Chinese language at the early childhood.
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
The Straist Time: Babies exposed to two languages show better memory and learning ability
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
双语环境成长婴儿 吸收辨识能力更强
双语环境成长婴儿 吸收辨识能力更强
领导这项研究的新加坡国立大学文学暨社会科学院心理学系副教授勒埃辛(Leher Singh)说,对于成人来说,学习第二语言或许是痛苦和艰辛的,因此人们往往会以为幼童和婴儿也会面对这样的困难。
这项最新研究是“在新加坡健康成长”(Growing Up in Singapore Towards Healthy Outcome,简称GUSTO)研究的其中一部分。参与GUSTO研究的机构包括新加坡科技研究局(A*STAR)属下的新加坡临床科学研究院(SICS)、竹脚妇幼医院和新加坡国立大学医院。
研究结果已在今年7月30日刊登于科学刊物《幼儿发展》(Child Development)中。
Thursday, 31 July 2014
On Lian He Zao Bao today: Infants can differentiate English, Chinese and its 4 tones 今日《联合早报》:未满周岁婴儿能区分 华英语及“阴阳上去”
Sunday, 13 July 2014
Never Too Early to Start Language Education
"Patricia Kuhl shares astonishing findings about how babies learn one language over another — by listening to the humans around them and "taking statistics" on the sounds they need to know. Clever lab experiments (and brain scans) show how 6-month-old babies use sophisticated reasoning to understand their world."
You can see this TED talk here via this link:
Monday, 26 May 2014
New Branches at Confucius Institute and Newton opening for term 3
Thursday 10.30am@ Newton branch (Gilstead Rd)
Registration form
Syllabus for Term 3:
Body parts 身体、nature around me 自然、sense of direction 方位、animals 动物、expressions 表情
Term 3 June 30 - Sep 28
Term 4 Sep 29 - Dec 28
$250 per term for 10 weekly classes
You may join the class at any time of the term with prorated fee.
No class on public holidays or in the event of extreme weather condition. Classes will be rescheduled.
Each term includes 10 class weeks and 3 term break weeks at the end. These term break weeks are reserved to buffer for rescheduled classes.
In the case your child or you are sick, please call/message to inform me as soon as you can. If you have travel plan that affects the attendance, please email to inform me. Make-up classes are available twice during the term at any any branch during any available time slot. Please Email me to find out the availability before you show up at the make-up class you intend to go to to avoid disappointment.
Do you know?
With completion of a term at Confucius Institute branch, your baby will receive a certificate from Confucius Institute. Enroll now!
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Victoria's Chinese Playgroup
Introducing Victoria
I am a young mother with a passion for language education. I have a degree in Chinese Studies from the National University of Singapore, was raised in China, and educated in CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School and Anglo-Chinese Junior College in Singapore. In addition, I have been living with purely English-speaking families for more than a decade. My experiences make me effectively bilingual, and I am comfortable teaching in both English and Mandarin.
I understand the difficulty of introducing other languages to babies in a predominantly English-speaking environment, as that is the position I find myself in.
It would be my pleasure to help other families become effectively bilingual, too.